Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.
Add Your Title
This is a great place to add a tagline.
Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click.
This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.
Programación en Python
Curso de Programación en Python 100 % Online.
Programa académico de nivel universitario con contenidos equivalentes a primer semestre de ingeniería.
Ideal para alumnos que quieran estudiar ingeniería.
Mismo temario que en la Universidad Católica y Universidad de Chile.
Para alumnos de enseñanza media o egresados de 4ºMedio.
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Martes 16:30 a 17:30 y Jueves 17:45 a 18:45
A partir del 22 de Agosto.